Personal Testimonies
What DKG Means to Me
by Rebecca Dorn, Beta Mu, State Music Chairman
What DKG Means to Me
by Nancy Durham, Mu, Second Vice President
Where are Those Women Hiding?
by Lois Vogel, Mu, State Parliamentarian
Chapter Culture
by Dina D'Andrea, Gamma Mu, State Secretary
DKG Experience
by Simone Nance, Beta Alpha,
Chairman Janet O'Neal Seminar for Personal Growth
My Thoughts
by Kim Fidler, Epsilon
Chairman of Legislation Committee
What DKG Means to Me
by Glenda Ferguson
Co-President, Omicron
Teacher, Mentor, Friend
by Sherri Zornes
Mu, Immediate Past Chairman of Personal Growth/Professional Affairs Committee (FAR 2023)
What DKG Means to Me
by Carol Herzog
Alpha Zeta, State Executive Secretary
What DKG Means to Me
by Sue Weber
Alpha Alpha, Chairman of Nominations/Personnel Committee
What DKG Means to Me
by Marjorie Miller
Gamma Mu, Chairman of Scholarship Committee
What DKG Means to Me
by Tiffany Ingles
Beta Mu, First Vice President
What DKG Means to Me
by Judy Neilan
Gamma Mu, State Communications and Publicity Chairman
What DKG Means to Me
by Dr. Beverly Hall-Maughan
DKG International President
What DKG Means to Me
by Marsha Rig, Gamma Mu
State Historian
What DKG Means to Me
by Debbie LeBlanc
Immediate Past International President
What DKG Means to Me
by Eileen Little
Northeast Regional Director
What DKG Means to Me
by Lois Vogel, Mu
State Parliamentarian and Past State President
What DKG Means to Me
by Maggie Sockwell, Alpha Alpha
Chapter President